Guest/s Staying With Their Current Sponsor

Thank you so very much to all the hosts who have offered for guests to stay on. If you haven't already done this, we think that the 6-month mark offers the perfect opportunity for a review between sponsor and guest.  

If you haven't yet agreed for any clear boundaries in how you will live together, then it is not too late. We have some great resources for both sponsors and guests to help you give some shape to those conversations.

How to Have Honest Conversations?

These templates can help to frame positive conversations around how you will continue the sponsorship together harmoniously.

What is a fair financial contribution to ask for?

Managing Boundaries

Every household has unspoken rules about how it operates – these cover a myriad of things from meal times to down times; noise levels to visitors; bathroom habits to TV control. Consider what spoken or unspoken rules that your household works by and how you would manage or flex these boundaries. Crucial questions like how will it work with food, cooking, transport, finances? Written for community Sponsorships groups, you’ll find elements of this Citizens UK guide useful.

NACCOM’s Hosting Good Practice Guides

These guides aim to provide some good practice guidance to ensure that hosts are able to facilitate a safe, supportive and positive hosting experience for all involved.

RESET UK Code of Conduct

Written for community Sponsorships groups, you’ll find elements of this guide useful.